Troy Pistol League, Inc. By-Laws


The name of this corporation- shall be the Troy Pistol League, Inc. The seal of the corporation shall be circular in form and shall bear the name of the Corporation, the number 1940, and the words New York.



The object of the corporation shall be as set forth in the Certificate of Incorporation.



The fiscal year of the Troy pistol League, Inc. shall I be from September 1 through August 31.



Section 1. Any citizen of the United States with a valid NYS Pistol License may become member of the Corporation on a Majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Full Members are entitled to:

  • a. Hold office in the corporation after having been a member for one full year from date of acceptance.
  • b. Have voice at a corporation meeting.
  • c. Have access to club facilities.

Section 2. All members of the corporation and the use of corporation property by members shall be subject to the rules determined by the Board of Directors.

Section 3. Members entering active service for more then 3 months in the Military Service of The United States of America shall be continued in good standing without further payment of dues until the next fiscal year after their discharge, other than dishonorable or release from such service.



Section 1. The following rules are established:

a. All persons on the range shall immediately obey the orders of the range officer.

b. No person shall destroy, damage or remove any item of club property.

c. No alcoholic beverages are to be brought onto the grounds of the corporation or consumed on the grounds of the corporation without approval, in advance, from the Board of Directors.

d. No unauthorized firearms are to be fired on the club range.

e. Any member who observes dangerous or otherwise unsafe or improper conduct by a non-member on the grounds of the corporation is authorized to direct the non- member to leave forthwith.

f. Any member who observes dangerous or otherwise unsafe or improper conduct by another member on the grounds of the corporation shall report the same to the Board of Directors as soon as possible.

g. TPL members and non-members of the corporation shall obey all safety rules established by the Board of Directors while on the grounds of the corporation. Copies of these safety rules are to be posted in the range or club room of the corporation.



Section 1. All fees shall be established by the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Membership Fee – The full membership fee must be paid by October 1st of the current fiscal year.

Section 3. Application Fee- An applicant will be required to remit a non refundable initiation fee with his/her application.

Section 4. Delinquent Dues – Members with delinquent dues will not be allowed the use of club facilities unless cause is shown by the member and approved by the Board of Directors.



Section 1. There shall be a Board of directors consisting of eleven members in which shall be vested the governing power and control of all activities and property of the corporation. They shall have the sole authority to act for and bind the corporation, and transact the business of the corporation. A majority of the Board of Directors shall be present at a meeting and all action by them shall have the approval of the majority of those present.

Section 2. The Board of Directors shall be elected by a majority vote of a quorum of members of the corporation, present at the annual meeting of the corporation, and are to hold office for three years, on a rotation basis, providing for the election of three directors each year. The tenth and eleventh directors will be appointed by the majority of the nine elected directors, immediately following the corporation’s annual election of directors. The two directors, elected by the nine directors, will hold office for one year.

Section 3. Any vacancy of an office or any vacancy in the Board of Directors either by reason of death, removal, resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled for the unexpired term so vacated by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at a special meeting called for such purpose.

Section 4. The term of office for elected members of the Board of Directors shall begin immediately following their election to office.

Section 5. Board of Directors meetings may be held at any time upon twenty four hours notice to the members of the Board, either by the President or at the request of a majority of the directors.



Section 1. The officers of the corporation shall be as follows: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Section 2. The officers of the corporation shall be elected from the Board of Directors,by the members of the Board of Directors, immediately following the appointment of the two annually appointed directors.

Section 3. A director must serve a minimum of two years on the Board of Directors before he or she may be elected as an officer.

Section 4. Elected officers will hold office for a term of one year.

Section 5. During meetings of the Board of Directors, officers of the corporation have a vote only as a director.

Section 6. President – The President shall appoint a nominating committee. The nominating committee shall report its slate of proposed directors to the membership at the annual meeting. Additional nominations will be accepted from the floor prior to the election of officers. No absentee ballots or write-in nominations will be accepted.

Section 7. The President shall annually appoint an auditing committee whose purpose shall be to determine whether (or Not) the financial statements submitted by the Treasurer accurately reflect the financial condition of the corporation and the results of its operation for the period audited.

Section 8. Vice President – The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his absence or at his request.

Section 9. Secretary – The Secretary shall conduct all official correspondence. He shall notify the members of the Board of Directors of all meetings and shall notify all members of the corporation of special and annual meetings as herein after provided. He shall keep a true record of all meetings of the Board of Directors and of the corporation and have the custody of the books and papers of the corporation and the seal of the corporation. All applications for membership in the corporation shall be made to the Secretary.

Section 10. Treasurer – The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds of the corporation and place the same in such bank or banks as may be approved by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all transactions and render a detailed report with vouchers and/or invoices at all meetings of the Board of Directors when requested. A fiscal report shall be made to the corporation at its annual meeting. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of membership fees and shall keep a proper record of the members which shall be the official membership list of the corporation.



Section 1. The annual meeting of the corporation shall be on the 15th day of March in each year, or within a reasonable time thereafter. Notice of such meeting shall be made by the Secretary to the membership, affording each member at least five days notice before the date of the meeting.

Section 2. Special meetings of the corporation may be held at any time on call of the President, on such notice as he shall deem sufficient. Special meetings for the purpose of amending the bylaws, require that the membership be afforded at least five days written notice prior to the date of the meeting.

Section 3. A Quorum shall consist of a majority of the Board of Directors and 11 paid in full members of the corporation in order to conduct business at corporation meetings.



Section 1. Moneys collected from the activities of the corporation shall be deposited in a responsible banking institution or institutions of the State of New York and shall be applied solely and exclusively to the following purposes:

a. To the extent of the amounts that are reasonable and necessary to conduct the usual business activities of the corporation.

b. To the extent of the remainder to be drawn upon from time to time for the purchase, improvement, expansion, and completion of real property and related appurtenances necessary to establish and maintain club facilities. The amount to be drawn shall not exceed $200.00 without the approval of the board of directors.



Section 1. Any member whose conduct shall be decided by a two-thirds vote of all Directors to have been injurious to the interests or welfare of the corporation shall forfeit his or her membership rights, but such expulsion vote shall not be taken without giving the member one weeks notice in writing of the charges against him or her, and affording the member an opportunity of being heard in his or her defense.

Section 2. Any member whose conduct shall be decided by a two-thirds vote of all Directors to have violated club rules may be subject to counseling, orally or in writing, or have their membership privileges restricted. Such restrictions may include loss of card key access to club facilities on non league times or other restrictions deemed reasonable by the Board.

Members who have their privileges restricted may request a hearing of the board members affording them an opportunity to be heard in their defense.



The order of business of any meeting of this corporation, or its Board of Directors, shall be as follows:

  • Call to Order.
  • Reading of the minutes of preceding meeting.
  • Treasurer’s report.
  • Reading of communications and bills and actions.
  • Applications for membership and balloting.
  • Report of committees.
  • Unfinished and new business.
  • Adjournment.



Section 1. The chairman of committees shall be appointed by the President, subject to confirmation by the Board of Directors.

Section 2. All committee chairmen shall report their recommendations to the Board of Directors for final approval.



Section 1. These bylaws, upon their adoption, and any amendments thereto shall constitute the sole bylaws of the Troy Pistol League, Inc. They shall replace, supersede, nullify and rescind any and all other bylaws which shall in the past have governed the corporation.

Section 2. Separability, Consistency, and Legality It is the specific intention that these bylaws shall be self consistent and not conflict with any of the Articles of Incorporation of the Troy Pistol League, Inc. or be at variance with laws of the United States of America or the State of New York. Should any section or part of a section be adjudicated illegal or inconsistent, then that section shall be separable and shall be null and void. The residue of the bylaws shall still continue to be in full force and effect, minus the nullified part.

Section 3. These bylaws have been duly ratified by a majority vote of the members present at a meeting called for such purpose in March 2011.